Had an Indian theme night at work on the last day of my swing.
A ton of effort went to pulling it off, but I’m really happy with the results.
Had a good amount of feedback on several dishes from two of our staff who are Indian, which helped a lot in making the food as close to what it should be as possible.

One of the Carolina reapers I’ve been growing at work was finally ready to be picked today.
It was only small, so I decided to turn it into chilli salt.
(Added some garlic and some of my Carolina reaper hot sauce to make a larger batch)

I’m quite pleased with the result, but my favourite response so far is from a guildmate.
“congrats on your batch of home-made bio-weapon”

Stepped out up several notches.

Calling this my “I regret my life choices” sauce

A chili garlic sauce made using Bhut Jolokia and Carolina Reaper.

The heat hits you in the face in multiple stages. It’s great