Prosciutto Baked Egg Cups
Month: March 2018
ramen from the stream
I’ll be making Ramen (as well as preparing some other items) in my stream today. However, due to the broth needing a few hours to cook, I’ve started it early.
I forgot to mention this the other day.
But I finally got a second webcam. So now I’ll be able to focus on the food during my streams better.
I still plan on getting a couple more, but they will have to wait until after my US trip next month. (And for me to get more money)
Playing with (rice) balls
Food porn.
Chinese theme night at work
Results from today’s stream. I forgot to take a pic of the steak before trying it. Oops
Picarto.TV – Reizero’s Channel
Picarto.TV – Reizero’s Channel
Starting a cooking stream.
Feel free to join me for a while! To join the call on @beardiemod‘s discord