


Just in time for Valentineā€™s Day Hearts and Hooves Day, 3 hot and ready-to-go sexy anthro pinups for all my favorite perverts.

So how do you get your hands/hooves on these hot babies?

Please donate to via Paypal!

Donate $5 and tell me which pinup youā€™d like to see by noting ā€œNNN Blissā€, ā€œNNN Cheerileeā€ or ā€œNNN Big Macā€


Donate $10 or more, note ā€œNNNā€ and receive all three!!

Each evening Iā€™ll send out these pics in batches. If you have donated already, or do not receive your pics within 36 hours of donating, please contact me here on Tumblr.

If you canā€™t donate, thatā€™s cool, but it would be super awesome if you helped spread the word instead.

Thank you!!

I donā€™t usually reblog my nsfw stuff here, but I could really use as much exposure as possible for this donation drive.

So! If you want to donate or help by spreading the word, please by all means do so.

If you feel like donating but donā€™t want pics, just leave out the note.

Whatever you decide to do THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING <3

signal boosting.
if you can help a friend of mine out, please do