

(So, I’m not one to ask for help unless I really, really have to, and I’ve run into a rather big problem, for me, anyway, that there is no way I can fix myself. My car’s air conditioning is dead. And to FIX it would require a brand new compressor….valued at $825. While I CAN afford it, it would put my finances in a place that’d make me really, really nervous. So I’m doing a little commissions fundraiser to help me afford that new compressor. If there is one thing I’ve learned about the pony community, it’s that you guys are all a caring and helpful bunch. So there are a few ways you could all help me a ton. Firstly, it’d be a gigantic help if anyone just spreads the word. Reblogging this makes a huge difference, and would mean the world!

The other way you could help…is to commission me! All donated funds made will be pooling to get me this compressor so I don’t melt this summer. 😉 I have a tendency to get headaches big time in the heat, so seriously, this means so very much to me.

If you’d like a commission, please drop me an email at with references and what you’re looking for! I’ll give you my paypal address from there and you can send whatever amount you wish to donate. From there, I’ll send you your completed commission as soon as I can. 🙂

Lastly, thanks to EVERYONE who reads, reblogs, or commissions me…you guys are the best and I can’t possibly express how much I appreciate it. *hearts*)

Signal boost

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