Just a geeky Australian chef. This a place for me to celebrate the fandoms I enjoy, and the food from, or that I create inspired by them. If you would like me to create anything, please feel free to ask Possible Youtube channel coming soon
(Spread the word and get searching! It may even be a good idea to put this in your Queue to be posted every 6/7th and 19/20th as a reminder!)
#SafeSearchWrapUp is heavily community driven effort to help make the SafeSearch features on image-search engines such as GoogleImages, Bing, or Youtube be free of NSFW content. Every cartoon from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” to “Young Justice” contains fan made pornographic works referred to as Rule-34. Rule-34 is a catch all term denoting porn of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, cartoon or not. However searching up images of any animated series will likely turn up these images, even on the first few pages.
As the teen and adult fans of the show, we have to be considerate of the younger target audience. A lot of parents and their children may be looking up images of their favorite characters to print out and put on their wall or such. As a community we can make image searching safer for the young ones and their parents. No shutting down or deleting things from existence, simply keeping it off SafeSearch as a courtesy for others.
The Game Plan:
Everyone should pick at least one search term they think would commonly used by kids and their parents, such as “My little pony twilight sparkle”. You can search at your leisure through a few pages… say 5-10 at least? However, on the 7th and 20th of every month we can all do it in large droves. If the call is sent out all at the same time, like a tradition then more people are likely to participate. Additionally, if Google or Bing gets a lot of flags for the same image from a lot of people- we can assume they will be more likely to remove it.
What to look for? Gore, blood, penises, vaginas, and perhaps lingerie. Just use your best judgement. Honestly if its something you wouldn’t look at while at work or show to a kid, then its probably not something we want showing up in a safe-search! If you think it should be done out of safe search as well, then thats your call to make.
How To Flag:
On Google, simply enlarge an image and go to Send Feedback circled here and enter comment notifying them the image is “not suitable for children” or something along those lines. If you would like a video tutorial, courtesy of jackrahbit, then click here.:
On Bing, simply click the flag image in the lower left corner when you hover over an image. Then check the “Adult” checkbox. If you would like, jackrahbit made a YouTube video showing how. Quick and easy! Lets do this!