I’m sorry to say this but I’m gonna kill myself because I get grouped in with the bad part of the mlp fandom and then getting hate for it



This came in to my inbox last night while I was sleeping.

Please, please don’t kill yourself over the opinions of a few uneducated nitwits on tumblr.
I’m really not qualified to tell you what to do, as I’m not of the best mental health myself, but this is one of many master posts with advice and numbers to call. 

Please don’t hurt yourself. I can assure you that you’ll leave an abyss that can not be filled in the lives of people around you.

To the people who go out of their way to harass people for the television shows they like, please stop. These are real, human lives you are toying with. Not everyone is as strong as you are, not everyone can handle vicious, petty hate thrown at them from all sides for something they can hardly help.

You are not grand crusaders of justice. You are pushing people to end their lives to escape your bullying and overgeneralizations.

You are not a stereotype. You are a normal person, and you know who you are, what you’re like and what you would or would not do/have or have not done far, far better than a bunch of people hundreds or thousands of miles away from you attacking a stereotype that doesn’t exist nearly as much as they like to think it does. You know who you are far better than they do, and so they do not get to determine how your life will play out.

Please don’t kill yourself.

Seeing this makes me really sad.
Please, I urge you to not do it. The effect is always far larger than you imagine.

Dealing with bullies and harassment is hard, I know, but you’re not alone in dealing with this. We’ll be here to help you through.
If you’re needing someone to talk to if you’re feeling down, I for one am willing to listen to anything you may have to say on Skype or any other IM service, please feel free to ask me for the details, and I’m sure there’s plenty of others who are willing to assist you through tough times too.

Others have highlighted many other good points regarding this, so I don’t think I need to parrot their advice here, however I will reiterate what broniesagainstbullshit said, if you feel like it’s getting too much, a break from tumblr to focus on outside matters and what’s truly important to you may be the right idea.

Whatever the bullies may say, doesn’t matter. You know you’re a good person, and that’s what’s truly important. If they start to get you down too much, get away from where they can get to you, and find solace in the things you love, because those are the things that will truly bring you peace.

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