Production was delayed due to being cancelled 7 times.
This is beautiful XD
Watch Geologists Use Molten Lava To Grill Up Some Steaks
Molten lava reaches temperatures of at least 1300 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes it a solid heat source if you need to grill up some steaks in seconds. Recently, students and geologists from Syracuse did just that as part of their Lava Project, and the resulting video is incredibly intense. In under six minutes, the heavily-protected team cooks up a party’s worth of t-bones, hot dogs, and salmon steaks—including searing one hunk of steak directly on the lava itself, for students who prefer their meat “well done.”
This video.. I love this video so much
there’s something I find relaxing about watching footage from the ISS.
It always makes me feel better..
probably why this is my most visited bookmark.. heh